Weaverville Town Hall
30 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Weaverville, NC 28787
Open MON – FRI: 8:30am -5:00pm
The Weaverville Town Council appoints boards and committees to help guide decision-making in Weaverville and to hear and make decisions that require special procedures. The Town is always seeking citizens wishing to participate in local government through service on a board or committee.
Most appointments are for three-year terms and do not provide any compensation for services.
If you are interested in serving on a board or committee, complete the online application linked below, or request one from the Town Clerk’s office, and return it to Town Hall.
Pursuant to North Carolina law the Weaverville ABC Board is appointed by Town Council. The board’s mission is to control the sale of spirituous liquor and promote customer-friendly, modern, and efficient stores. This board serves to set policy and adopt rules in conformity with North Carolina’s laws and rules regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages. This board consists of three members.
The Planning Board is generally responsible for advising Town Council on matters pertaining to land use and planning issues. Subdivision and zoning text amendments and zoning map amendments cannot be considered by Town Council without first receiving a recommendation from the Planning Board. This board also reviews development applications for compliance with subdivision standards and conditional zoning district applications for reasonableness and consistency with the Town’s adopted comprehensive land use plan. This board is required by law and must be comprised of residents of the Town. Town Council appoints all members to this board which consists of five regular members and up to two alternates.
The Animal Control Appeals Board hears and decides appeals from determinations made by the animal control officer.
The board of adjustment serves as the Town’s Animal Control Appeals Board, so there are direct appointments to this board.
Town Council supports an Economic Development Advisory Committee that studies impediments to business development, makes recommendations concerning economic development opportunities, promotes the Town as an ideal place for businesses to locate, and assists the Town in its strategic goal to “promote diverse economic development in keeping with the Town’s residential character and the environment.” This committee is under the leadership of the Mayor and the composition of this board is less structured than other boards but very active.
The Residents’ Patriotic Activities Committee advises Town Council and staff on the patriotic events within the Town and coordinates the scheduling and programming of those events such as Memorial Day, Patriot’s Day and Veteran’s Day. Councilmember Doug Jackson has been involved with this group for many years and overseen many patriotic events. The Town Manager is also an active participant with this committee.
Town Council created and appoints to a Tree Board that consists of seven regular members and up to two alternate members. This board is made up of a majority of Town residents with some members residing outside of Town limits. The tree board is intended to be a citizen led group, that works with town public officials and staff to improve the health of the urban and community forest within the municipal limits of Weaverville through tree plantings, advocacy, education, management and maintenance activities.
North Carolina Native Plant Society – North Carolina Native Plant Society
Under North Carolina law, the Town is required to have a board of adjustment. The Town’s Board of Adjustment consists of five members and up to two alternates, all of whom must be residents of the Town. The Board of Adjustment almost exclusively does its work by hearing and making quasi-judicial decisions on matters such as variance requests, special use permits, and appeals from administrative decisions made in a variety of areas. They also serve as the Animal Control Appeals Board to hear appeals concerning dangerous dogs.
Weaverville Town Council created the Recreation Advisory Committee in 2017. When active this board consists of up to nine members appointed by Town Council and serves to advise the Town on issues related to parks, recreation, and greenways.
If you are interested in serving on a board or committee, download and complete an application, or request one from the Town Clerk’s office and return it to Town Hall.
click and submit: Board and Committee Application Form
Please note a board, committee, or Town Council may adjust the meetings schedule per adopted Rules of Procedure upon proper notification in the Town Clerk’s Office.