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Notice of Public Hearing – AdventHealth Annexation and Zoning Request



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Weaverville Town Council will hold two separate public hearings during its regularly scheduled workshop meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, beginning at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as Town Council can reach the matter. One public hearing will be on a voluntary annexation petition for two properties located at 24 and 24A Ollie Weaver Road, being a total of +/- 7.41 acres bearing Buncombe County parcel identification numbers 9733-72-6639 and 9733-82-0659, and the other public hearing will be on a zoning map amendment to designate the properties as conditional district zoning if such properties are annexed into the Town.

These public hearings will occur as an in-person meeting in Council Chambers/Community Room at Town Hall, 30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC.

WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can also be submitted in advance of the public hearing and will be read into the record of the public hearing. Written public comments can be submitted as follows: (1) by EMAILING to public-comment@weavervillenc.org  at least 6 hours prior to the meeting, (2) by putting your written comment in a DROP BOX at Town Hall (located at front entrance and back parking lot) at least 6 hours prior to the meeting, or (3) BY MAILING your written comment (must be received not later than the day of the meeting) to: Town of Weaverville, PO Box 338, Weaverville, NC, 28787, Attn: Public Comments.

If you would like ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or to review the content related to the Public Hearings, or have questions regarding how to submit a comment or join the meeting,  you may contact Planning Director James Eller at 828-484-7002 or jeller@weavervillenc.org or Town Clerk Tamara Mercer at 828-484-7003 or tmercer@weavervillenc.org.