Weaverville Town Hall
30 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Weaverville, NC 28787
Open MON – FRI: 8:30am -5:00pm
The Town of Weaverville’s Planning Director James Eller oversees the administration and management of Weaverville’s planning and development ordinances, along with the town’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan (see below). This department works closely with the Town of Weaverville Planning Board and Board of Adjustment.
Planning Director James W. Eller began with the Town of Weaverville in January, 2016 following working as the Code Enforcement Officer & Zoning Administrator for the Town of Woodfin for eight years. James holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science with a Minor in Community & Regional Planning from Appalachian State University and is a certified member of the North Carolina Association of Zoning Officials. James, a native of Buncombe County, currently lives in Weaverville with his wife and son.
Phone: (828) 484-7002
Email: jeller@weavervillenc.org
If you need to pay your permit fees, please visit our online payment platform and choose “Zoning Fee” from the dropdown menu. Make sure you have your Parcel ID number available to pull up your information.
Weaverville Town Council annually adopts a schedule of fees for services within the Town. You will find fees for certain planning and zoning related permits and applications within the schedule. Please click here to review the department’s fee schedule: FY 2023 – 2024 Fee Schedule
The Code of Ordinances is a compilation of local rules adopted by the Town Council for the Town of Weaverville. They cover a range of issues, including land use and zoning, permitting, water resources, streets, etc. The Code of Ordinances can be accessed at Town of Weaverville Online Ordinances and individual ordinances regarding specific topics can be found throughout this site where applicable.
The Town of Weaverville adopted an updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan on July 15, 2019. This plan is used to guide all future development decisions made by the Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, and Town staff. You can find the plan here: Comprehensive Land Use Plan – Updated January 2025
Planning and development ordinances are meant to guide the growth and development of property in the Town of Weaverville. To view specific zoning, subdivision and all other land development regulations, click the appropriate link for Chapter 20 within the Code of Ordinances. Please note that this link takes you to an external page, Municode.
The Weaverville Planning Board is responsible for advising the Weaverville Town Council on matters pertaining to land use and planning issues. The planning board consists of seven members. Two of the seven members serve as alternates. This board reviews certain development proposals and proposed text and map amendments. In addition, the board makes recommendations to the Weaverville Town Council, when appropriate, and pursues other studies or planning initiatives as directed by Town Council. The members of the planning board receive no compensation for their services and are each residents of the town.
The Town of Weaverville Planning and Zoning Board meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Weaverville Town Hall at 30 South Main Street. Agendas and minutes of the meetings are available on the Town’s website.
The rules of procedure for the Planning and Zoning Board can be found here: Rules Of Procedure – Adopted And Approved February 2023
Each municipality within the State of North Carolina enforcing zoning regulations is required to have a local board of adjustment. The Weaverville Board of Adjustment consists of seven members, with two serving as alternates. Each member’s term of office is three years.
The powers and duties of the zoning board of adjustment are outlined in state’s statutes. The primary responsibilities of the Weaverville Board of Adjustment include: hearing and deciding appeals, where an order, requirement, or decision of the zoning administrator is alleged to be in error; hearing and deciding upon requests for variances from the provisions of the zoning ordinance; and hearing and deciding upon requests for special use permits.
Membership on the board requires a special commitment, because hearings must be conducted in accordance with judicial rules of procedure. Decisions can be publicly unpopular as rulings of this board must be decided based upon strict interpretation of applicable laws, rather than public opinion or desire. Board of adjustment members receive no compensation for their services and are each residents of the town.
The Town of Weaverville Board of Adjustment meets at the Board Chairman’s request. Notices of meetings are published on the Town’s website and local media outlets per statutory guidelines.
How do I view the town code of ordinances?
You can view the Town’s Code of Ordinances at the following link: https://library.municode.com/nc/weaverville/codes/code_of_ordinances. The Code is updated electronically with every adoption or amendment that Town Council passes.
How are town ordinances enforced?
The Town of Weaverville Planning and Zoning Department handles enforcement of many of the town’s ordinances. To submit a complaint or express a concern regarding a potential zoning violation, contact James Eller, Weaverville’s planning director and code enforcement officer, at (828) 484-7002.
When does the planning board meet?
The Town of Weaverville Planning and Zoning Board meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Weaverville Town Hall at 30 South Main Street.
Who should I contact regarding building a home within town limits?
Planner James Eller can provide you with the information you need if you are building within Town limits. You can contact him by calling (828) 645-7116 or by email at jeller@weavervillenc.org.