Welcome to Weaverville, where the mountains meet Main Street and every corner is filled with charm and good vibes! Picture this: strolling down Main Street, soaking in the mountain views, and popping into the cutest mom-and-pop shops that have been part of our community for over a century. From cozy cafes to mouthwatering restaurants and lush parks, we’ve got it all here in Weaverville! So kick back, relax, weave your way through a tapestry of unique finds and get ready to experience the heart and soul of our vibrant town. Welcome, y’all – we’re mighty glad to have you here!

A favorite spot for hikers, nature lovers, and outdoor enthusiasts across the world, the Asheville-Buncombe County area offers a multitude of opportunities for explorers in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Weaverville has its own flavor of exploration, which includes a Weaverville entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway, miles of local hiking trails, cycling routes, scenic drives, wildlife, and native plants. In addition, the Town of Weaverville hosts several community events throughout the year, intended to celebrate our unique roots in Western North Carolina.

Weaverville Demographics

0000 +/-

2023 Population

0,000/sq mile

Population Density


Median Resident Age

$ 00,000

Median Household Income

$ 000,000

Median Home Price

Weaverville Awards & Recognition

AWOP Award for Turbidity

In September 2022 the Town of Weaverville-Ivy River Water Treatment Plant was awarded the 2021 Area Wide Optimization (AWOP) award for the 13th consecutive year. The N.C. Division of Water Resources has honored 66 water treatment plants for surpassing federal and state drinking water standards in 2021. The division’s Public Water Supply Section awarded the facilities the prestigious N.C. Area Wide Optimization Award, which is part of a state effort to enhance the performance of existing surface water treatment facilities.

For 2021, the state recognized 16 facilities with the “Gold Star” honor, which is an award for systems that have received the N.C. Area Wide Optimization Award for 10 or more consecutive years.

Read the Press Release Here

About Weaverville

Twenty Consecutive Years Excelling in Financial Reporting

The Government Finance Office Association (GFOA) has awarded the Town of Weaverville with “Excellence in Financial Reporting” for the past 20 consecutive years.

The GFOA established the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program (CAFR Program) in 1945 to encourage state and local governments to work beyond the minimum requirements of generally-accepted accounting practices.

The annual preparation of comprehensive financial reports written with the spirit of public transparency and full disclosure is evaluated. The goal isn’t to assess the financial health of participating governments, but rather ensuring the public has access and transparency when it comes to municipal spending.

Government Finance Office Association (GFOA)Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

About Weaverville

Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

The Government Finance Office Association (GFOA) awarded the Town of Weaverville with the “Distinguished Budget Presentation Award” for 20 consecutive years.

The GFOA established this program in 1984 to encourage state and local governments with the preparation of high-quality budget documents, reflecting both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices on budgeting. Individual governments succeeding in achieving this goal are distinguished annually.

About Weaverville

Tree City USA

For nearly 30 years, the Town of Weaverville has been recognized the by the Arbor Day Foundation with the Tree City designation.

The Arbor Day Foundation created the Tree City program as a means of ‘greening up’ cities and towns across America since 1976. This nationwide movement provides the framework necessary for communities to manage and expand their public trees. More than 3,400 communities, across the United States, are recognized as “Tree Cities.” Each Tree City must meet four core standards of sound urban forestry management: maintaining a tree board or department, having a community tree ordinance, spending at least $2 per capita on urban forestry. Annually celebrating Arbor Day is also a part of the criteria.

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The Town of Weaverville operates its programs, activities, and services, without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or income level, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes.  The Town assures every effort will be made to ensure that no person in the Town will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that it administers, whether those programs, activities and services are federally funded or not.

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