*Note date adjusted for May Memorial Day holiday. All interested parties are invited to attend.
For those members of the public wishing to view and live stream the meeting, you may watch remotely via the Govt. YouTube channel. Go to the Live Streaming tab: Youtube.com Weaverville NC government Live streams
Archived past meeting videos: Town of Weaverville, NC YouTube channel
Unless technical difficulties prevent the audio/video recording of a meeting: access to the meeting video recording is available in the community portal: Town of Weaverville – Home
The Government community portal includes archived agenda packets, supporting documents, and Town Council and Boards’ calendars and may be accessed via the link: Town of Weaverville – Home
If you have any questions, please call the Town Clerk, Tamara Mercer at (828) 484-7003 or email: tmercer@weavervillenc.org