Weaverville Town Hall
30 South Main Street P.O. Box 338 Weaverville, NC 28787
Open MON – FRI: 8:30am -5:00pm
The Weaverville Town Council is responsible for legislative duties like establishing municipal laws and policies, as well as adopts the annual budget and prioritizes town projects and improvements. Each member of the Weaverville Town Council and the Mayor of Weaverville are elected to alternating four-year terms.
You may also watch the archived video recordings of Town Council Meetings on the Town of Weaverville, NC YouTube channel.
To view the live stream of Town Council Meetings go to: Youtube Weaverville NC government Live Streams
How do I find out when the Town Council is meeting?
Weaverville Town Council Workshops are generally held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in Town Council Chambers at Town Hall.
Town Council Regular Meetings are generally held the 4th Monday of the of each month at 6:00 p.m. Council meetings are held at Town Hall.
Town Council special-called meetings are held on an as-needed basis. These meetings are publicized on the Town’s website calendar, on its social media pages and in the local media, in accordance with state statutes.
Meeting Schedule for Town Council & Boards:2025 Council and Boards meeting schedule Master
Where can I view Town Council Agendas and Minutes?
Agendas and minutes are located towards the top of this webpage. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact our Town Clerk Tamara Mercer via e-mail at tmercer@weavervillenc.org or call Town Hall at (828) 645-7116.
How can I apply to join a Town Board or Committee?
The Weaverville Town Council appoints boards and committees to help guide decision-making in Weaverville and to hear and make decisions that require special procedures. The Town is always seeking citizens wishing to participate in local government through service on a board or committee. Most appointments are for three year terms and do not provide any compensation for services.
You can find additional information about each board or committee and download the application by viewing our Boards & Committees page.
Weaverville Town Council Rules of Procedure
Rules of Procedure Town Council Rules of Procedure – amended Feb. 2024