
FY:2024-25 Annual Proposed Budget, Public Hearing, & Manager’s Message

2024-4-16 Town Council Budget Workshop Agenda Budget Message and proposed Annual Budget FY 2024-25

Public Hearing, Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Message & proposed Annual Budget

Selena Coffey, MPA, ICMA-CM, Town Manager / Budget Officer


Pursuant to G.S. 159-12 A copy of the proposed budget is available for public inspection in Town Hall, 30 S. Main Street per the Clerk’s Office.

Town Council Meeting Audio file sound bar:

2024-05-14 Town Council Workshop Agenda Packet A Public Hearing will occur as an in-person hearing and is set by Town Council for Tues. May 14, 2024 at 6:00 pm to be located at Weaverville Fire Station, meeting room, 3 Monticello Rd., Weaverville, NC 28787.

WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can also be submitted in advance of the public hearings and will be distributed to Town Council and may be read into the record of the public hearing. Written public comments can be submitted: (1) by EMAILING to [email protected]  at least 6 hours prior to the meeting, (2) by putting your written comment in a DROP BOX at Town Hall (located at front entrance and back parking lot) at least 6 hours prior to the meeting, or (3) BY MAILING your written comment (must be received not later than the day of the meeting) to: Town of Weaverville, PO Box 338, Weaverville, NC, 28787, Attn: Public Comments.

If you would like ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or to review the content related to the Public Hearing, or have questions regarding how to submit a comment,  you may contact Town Clerk Tamara Mercer at 828-484-7003 or [email protected].

The Town Manager presented the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 Annual Budget during the Town Council meeting on April 16, 2024. Per North Carolina General Statute § 159-12(b) the Town is required to hold a public hearing on the annual budget: Before adopting the budget ordinance, the board shall hold a public hearing at which time any persons who wish to be heard on the budget may appear. This public hearing was advertised on May 2 & May 9, 2024 in the Tribune paper having general circulation for the Town of Weaverville.

Town Council has had two budget workshops to date and the next budget workshop scheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 6pm. This public hearing is being held based on the Town Manager’s proposed budget as Town Council has taken no formal action on the budget at this time.