Incorporated in 1875, the Town of Weaverville operates as a council / manager form of municipal government.

This type of government is the predominant form for local governments in the State of North Carolina. Under a council/manager-type of government, the Weaverville Town Council is responsible for legislative duties like establishing municipal laws and policies. The Weaverville Town Council also adopts the annual budget and prioritizes town projects and improvements. The Weaverville Town Manager, appointed by town council, carries out the laws and policies enacted by council members. The town manager is responsible for managing the town employees and overseeing town finances, resources, and departments. The Weaverville Town Council also appoints a town attorney, who represents the town administration and town council in all legal matters.

A council/manager form of government is similar to a private corporation, where citizens act as both stockholders and customers. Elected officials are similar to a private board of directors, while a town manager serves as the chief executive officer and manages all daily operations. Each member of the Weaverville Town Council and the Mayor of Weaverville are elected to alternating four-year terms.


Town Hall Business Hours:

Monday – Friday: 8:30 to 5:00

Closed for lunch: 12:30 to 1:30

Town Hall Mailing Address:

Town of Weaverville P.O. Box 338 Weaverville, N.C.  28787

Phone:  (828) 645-7116 | Fax:  (828) 645-4776

Town Hall Physical Location:

30 South Main Street Weaverville, NC, 28787

Message from the Mayor

When you are imagining that really great place to live, you know, the one with a quaint small town with a strong sense of community that had all the services and businesses you needed for a quality life, and is filled with people you would want to have as neighbors. That place is Weaverville!

I discovered this truth when I moved here seventeen years ago. Besides being an idyllic place to reside, Weaverville is a well-managed town with high quality community services. It is a place where kids walk to school on the over 6 miles of sidewalks in town. It is where I have seen police cars follow bears on our streets to ensure they don’t get hit by a vehicle, a place where neighbors walk downtown to shop. It is a place where crime and stress are absent.

Weaverville is also very popular. People are moving here, and why wouldn’t they? They have learned what those of us who live here already know. This is a great place to live! So, if you are already a lucky town resident, thinking of moving here, or just having a visit to a sweet mountain town, we welcome you and encourage you to enjoy the peaceful, pleasant life we know as a daily occurrence, life in Weaverville.

Thanks for being here,
Patrick Fitzsimmons, Mayor

Government Departments

The Town of Weaverville is organized into several different departments that specialize in distinct areas of expertise and help keep the Town running smoothly. Each department is managed by a department head, all of whom report to the Town Manager. For more information, visit the department’s page.

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The Town of Weaverville operates its programs, activities, and services, without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or income level, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes.  The Town assures every effort will be made to ensure that no person in the Town will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that it administers, whether those programs, activities and services are federally funded or not.

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